Tag: Mersh

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Anthony Jeselnik stops by the Trash Tuesday podcast presumably to yummy down on a banana, when the topic of the late, great Norm Macdonald comes up. Esther Povitsky whines about how he was mean to her on Last Comic Standing, while Annie Lederman slowly processes what jokes even are. Khalyla unhin...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Tomorrow (Thursday Night): WORLD WAR: Operation Fledermaus in the Fans Of Hate Level Sunday 8pm Eastern: Daddy's Day 10 on Youtube PLUS Awfter Show in the Dregs Level Wednesday 8pm Eastern: Mersh's Ton O' Fun in the Piranhas Level See you there.         -

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

The Internet's Flamenco has been potentially outed as a PARANORMAL man by Ethan Ralph... or has he? I dunno. As far as I'm concerned, everyone online is part of the P community until proven otherwise. But that is what I am setting out to do. I have challenged FlamencoTV to take THE PEE PEE TEST™ ...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MERSH! Tha Boyz from Revenge Of The Cis are headed to New York City to celebrate Mersh's White Girl Birthday Week. Unfortunately for Mersh, Pod Awful has tagged along. Mersh has his Nightwave Radio audience convinced he's a mafia don, and when the ROTC "On The Road" show from an Ai...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

THE KILLSTREAM KINGPIN INVITATIONAL! Ethan Ralph, Royce, Mersh, Dick Masterson, Alex Stein, Destiny, Pat Dixon, Chaggot, and more all under one roof. Pod Awful's cult members showed up undercover to capture the event. Meet Dick Masterson's secret boyfriend, watch the entire event get SLAWBOMBED, ...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

I took over The Conspiracy Castle with Alex Stein. I didn't really want to talk this much Mersh, but this Alex guy LOVES trolling Mersh. This made the Queen so angry that he has been playing Alex's videos on Nightwave now for WEEKS trying to get on his good side again, and crying to Alex that I m...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Ethan Ralph and Mersh have been in complete meltdown mode and it might be all my fault. Ethan just cried on a live stream with Mister Metokur and Matt Jarbo. Mersh is upset on Nightwave Radio over a tweet about his mom. Now I have singlehandedly ended INTERNET BLOODSPORTS FOREVER. I've learned th...

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