Tag: Spooky Charles

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! So many SPOOKY Goons in this episode! We have Gay Draculas, Ghost Hunters, A Frankenstein, The Possessed, and the Paranormal! A Pod Awful DOUBLE CREATURE FEATURE: Mersh's Thriller Nightwave and The Santa Cruz Joker's Night Of Long Loaves. Visiting Autism Veteran Michael Wright's ...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Bob Hickman AKA God Entered My Body Like A Body Same Size is selling his insane Bobmobiles, and I want to buy them. A new Chills Top 4 list. Spooky Charles has been spooked off of the internet. Ted Van Son's LGBTParanormal Investigation continues, this time on Ghost Nation, where...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

COVID-19 is taking over and I didn't take it seriously enough. Not only is it infecting Goons, but it also made my Youtube channel get terminated. Well that's it. I've had enough. I'm going to infect myself with the FATAL FLU. We start this episode off with an interview with Krystal Khali, one of...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

HAPPY AWFULWEEN! #SameSize Bob Hickman was born on Halloween. We speak to a very SPOOKY fan-favorite guest. We delve into the life of #Goon Spooky Charles, and enter a rabbit hole. The Fake Santa Cruz Joker can't wait for Halloween to be over so that people stop dressing like him. Jesse uncovers ...

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