podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Santa Cruz Joker claims I never show up to his house. Keeps inviting me to come over, and tells me he has guns and knives waiting for me. Well now I'm taking him up on his offer, and wouldn't you know it? The rapist pedophile with CLOWN SYNDROME ran away from home! RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedbur...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

THE GUNTSHIELD is FULLY ACTIVATED. Pod Awful's INFAMOUS appearance on the Killstream with Ethan Ralph, Dick Masterson, and Mister Metokur... BUT WITHOUT JESSE'S VOLUME BEING TURNED DOWN AND MUTED! The LIE has carried on for years now. "Jesse dropped the ball on the Dick Masterson Simpspiracy." T...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

If you're in the cult (http://podawful.com/cult) then you need to reconnect your Discord in the Pizza Fund for your roles. We had to do some cleanup. Get all the channels and permissions again by going to your account page and hitting the reconnect button. If you aren't in the cult yet... why no...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

AWFULWEEN OCTOBER 30TH AT 8PM EASTERN ON YOUTUBE   AWFUL.TUBE   GET SCARED or else   RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful  YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube  DISCORD: http://podawful.com/discord  TWITTER: http://podawful.com/twitter  INSTAGRAM: http://podawful.com/instagram  DLIVE:...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Brand new merch in the store. Three designs. There are two "Don't Go On The Internet Tomorrow™" shirts. Please do not buy the Fat Guy shirt. The Yellow one is the official version. If you buy the black one you have to be over 250 lbs, and send me a note telling me you are embarrassed. Seriously....

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