THE PEDO FILES 8: EPSTEIN (With @mooncult & Cannaman) - POD AWFUL PODCAST I12

AN EXCLUSIVE, FIRST INTERVIEW WITH WAREZ (aka @mooncult on twitter) on all the intricacies of the Jeffrey #Epstein case. We delve into mystery surrounding his death, and whether it even happened, his girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell's odd photoshopped pictures at In-N-Out, the Clintons involvement, #Pizzagate, Prince Andrew's sweat glands, and even whether or not Epstein is his real name. Later in the show, I am joined on air by CANNAMAN to talk about his (((CRIMES))) with Young Max, and the secret of his mystery illnesses.
Jesse doing “NY dago greaser wop voice” is great. Jesse’s guest doing “dago greaser wop eye-tie guinea voice” too is even better.