FRAN CAPO is here! Fran is the GUINNESS WORLD RECORD HOLDER for fastest talking woman alive! Things start off well, but when we open the phonelines it starts to go down hill. We are joined by Fran's son, Spencer, who is making some sort of sex app, we get prank called by racists, and we accidentally call the police, forcing Fran and her son to walk out on the show leaving Jesse alone.
The 911 guy did a great job.
"A dove lands softly on my windowsill_ Hey there maya you got aids still_ Get away dove I say to that damned bird_he flies away and leaves a turd_ Oh that damn bird always flying to my window_ We dont want you round her No Mo_ Because the birds are always telling me maya ya got aids_ But I tell ya they're lying_ They have no complaints_I shoo a bird away but it does not go to fetch a doctor_ I shoo that bird away it doesnt go to fetch me HIV medication_I shoo the bird away because I DONT HAVE AIDS with hope_ Goodnight" Holy shit that was pure god damn gold
Haha hilarious. I wonder if Fran’s son ever made his sex box app.