SURVIVING: "The GIFT" ☣{{bug chasers}}☣ - POD AWFUL PODCAST X106

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Recently California decriminalized purposefully infecting another person with HIV. Welcome to the DARK FUTURE™. Back in 2003 we were warned of the coming bizarro world by a documentary called "The Gift," a look into "bug chasers," or people who purposefully seek out contracting HIV/AIDS. Jesse attempts to survive the entire movie as his brain melts into clown powder. POZ UP.

Get the Pod Awfter Show where Jesse reeds some POZ erotica, and plays a cringe KANGZ video before getting Zucked off the internet. Only on THE PIZZA FUND:

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what is fisting. whre do they put their fists? i don't see any hole it could fit in.

Reply to Comment. Posted on Feb 24 2023 at 02:21AM UTC.

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