Who's Milkin' Who? - POD AWFTER SHOW EO17
Comedy Shaman says STOP SNITCHIN'. Dick Masterson says STOP SNITCHIN'. Then Dick says start snitchin' when one of his own schizo fans shows up to his house. Keemstar is writing scripts for Boogie on Lolcow Live.
This dick masterson is so ugly! He’s got a face for radio. What made him think anyone would want to look at him/ and listen on video, EVER?
Stop saying the thing about pigs blood in cracks of Vito’s car… and stop saying to Vito: stay off Vito’s property
Can't wait for Henchman uniforms in the shop
This was painful to watch. I don’t know how people can listen to dick ramble on and throw a fit for hours.