Grinch guys are a holiday form of The Earth's Jokers. I promise you within 5 years there will be dudes doing Jim Carrey Grinch impressions the way they did Heath Ledger. "I'm da Grinchy, baby!" Everything is now a purposeful inversion of beauty and purpose. The entire Grinch fad push reveals itself for what it is. The Grinch's heart grew 3 sizes. He came to love Christmas, and the Whos, and was invited in by them even after all the mayhem he had caused. But every depiction you see of him is still his spiteful, evil self. The Grinch is Christmas Joker. He's Reddit Atheist Santa Claus. It's a way of saying "F Christmas" while still getting to wear a Santa hat. And PODAWFUL is now weaponizing the Jim Carrey Autism of one brave Goon against all of Grinchdom in our WAR ON CHRISTMAS. PLUS: Nick Fuentes' boyfriend assassin, P Diddy Joker, remembering Jan 6 and Charles Howell, Tom Gulley calls in, and Comedy Shaman is too afraid to stream.
I'm da Grinchler, baby!
Great Sho! Greater news about the POD Sweater, I'll be ordering mine when I re-up my subscription on the 14th!
Durk looking like mersh lol