Please Kill Me, I Hate Everything, The World Is A Toilet And I Am Tired Of Circling The Drain - FRIDAY NIGHT HANGOUT EXPLOSION

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I'm depressed/ Milkshakes/ Racist McDonald's/ Burger King is for poor people/ Women can't see peanuts/ George Washington Carver invents Peanut Slobber/ Charles Howell's son wants to be a trucker and made a hilarious video/ Bob Hickman gives me a shoutout/ WIKI ENTRIES: Charles Howell | Ghost Rules | Cannaman/ Smol Ryan has been dead for one short year/ Master Studios' new video series/ SMOKE DETECTOR DETECTOR/ A bullied kid dresses as the Joker and then gets bullied by adults/ Hakas are stupid/ Collider Live is the most embarrassing podcast ever/ Some ROTC nerd is an idiot and is also gay/ Poop talk

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