Mersh can't even catch a break in VR Chat. In his wildest fantasies, where he could be anything on Earth or beyond, he instead chooses to be a virtual cat smoking cigarettes and hanging out at McDonald's while being ignored by children. The past two months of Nightwave Radio have been nothing but Mersh fighting with his internet, and "trolling" kids in VR Chat by pretending to be Dr. Disrespect. Then the PODAWFUL Henchmen showed up... Now Mersh is spiraling out harder than ever before, revealing his own address live on air, and revealing maybe the darkest secret a man could ever keep. PLUS: Aaron Imholte covers the Ethan Ralph episode on Steel Toe, and Dick Masterson admits the Juju costume is real.
PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S
I just paid for the show the New Alex Stine one and its saying I need to sub to fan of hate? he said Parana's