Thank god Ethan Klein told us all Hasan Piker is a bad guy or we would have never known. Hila Klein is a Mossad agent and h3h3 is an Israeli psyop. Their entire marriage was setup to create a Youtube influencer mouthpiece. There's no freakin' way Hila is getting her Teddy Freshes dirty sitting on the floor recording these stupid videos anymore. Josh Moon loves PODAWFUL now. Female comedian Natalie Cuomo has an insane meltdown over a HECKLER. HECKLERS ARE THE NEW COMEDIANS. Mersh's Repo Man adventures. Mersh tells an insane lie about a Tinder date. Dick Masterson sends his lackey Riley out to try to provoke Eric July into a lawsuit again.
PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S
The only place females donβt get away w it is on βKill Tonyβ.