VITO GESUALDI, the long-running permanent cohost of PODAWFUL who has been on every episode for the past 15 years is now potentially on the chopping block. Yeah, that's right. I'm about to fire your favorite guy from the show. You better tune in to see if I do it or not. Should I do it? Tweet me and leave a hearted comment in my like-hole to make your voice SQUEARD™ (which is a new type of hearing from our partners at Squarespace). Engagement-bait words about the show: Dick Masterson, Biggest Problem In The Universe, Mersh, Patrick Melton. Any of these do anything to your heart rate? I'm trying to scare you, and the only way to save yourself is with a dopamine rush, but you can only get that life-saving dopehit from watching the next episode to find out if big fat silly man is being replaced by new big fat silly man. Would you even know if he was? If you switched all of Mersh's molestacules with all of Patrick Melton's chomosomes, would you just get the same guys again? Hey, wait a second... Dick is selling Vito half of the Biggest Problem trademark? For a dollar? Wasn't that my bit? What exactly are even ideas? What if I just stole Maddox's podcast from him, slapped some Keemstar glue on it and gave it a nice coat of PODAWFUL paint? That's technically a new thing. This is transformative because the guy I'm stealing it from paid for it. Vito now lives inside a Lolcow barnyard prison, where Juju is the farmer. What do these words even mean? What has my life become? Will Vito be on the next episode of Biggest Cohost In The Awfulverse? Sign up for my banned Patreon account to find out nothing. This AI model cannot complete that request at this time due to a violation of our Terms and Conditions. Doom Scroll more product from Globoconglomomondocorpocon to stay relatively sedated. Hit the notification bell to achieve no discernible effect. RIFT GRIFT CONFIRMED BY DICK AND VITO.