podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Thank god Ethan Klein told us all Hasan Piker is a bad guy or we would have never known. Hila Klein is a Mossad agent and h3h3 is an Israeli psyop. Their entire marriage was setup to create a Youtube influencer mouthpiece. There's no freakin' way Hila is getting her Teddy Freshes dirty sitting on...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Ethan Ralph is out of rehab, sober as a judge, and trying to turn over a new leaf. In that vein, he's invited Jesse on his show to pump some life back into the Sektur, after PODAWFUL killed it over a year ago.But there is a new foe on the horizon. A big foreheaded, tarantula controlled, manboobie...

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