Mersh needs to get his fight back in him. He has enemies everywhere, and he's ready to do battle. He's making strange bedfellows (and I don't just mean Royce.) It's full on WARMODE. Who is Mersh teaming up with? Who is his worst enemy? What's the mysterious fight he has ahead of him? We watch his...
Tag: Cog
Salvopancakes was fired by Keemstar, dumped by Redbar, and ex-communicated by Ethan Ralph, so now he's here. After losing Salvo's Spelling Bee (even though he was given a disabled child's rules), Ethan Ralph challenged Salvo to get more viewers as guest host of Podawful than Ethan did with a bet ...
FRANK HASSLE IS HERE! Mersh nearly died on stream while smoking bones. He had a boneverdose. In a moment, I saw my whole podcast flash before my eyes. Apparently Mersh has been just inhaling toxic metals into his bloodstream for years now, but not to worry! He says it was actually GOOD that he ha...
- Tags:
- Mersh
- Frank Hassle
- Cog
- Mini Manson
Zen Rhino has been cheating on Mersh with Steel Toe Morning Show. His fifteen bucks has been going in Aaron's collection plate. His lust has been going toward April's rack instead of Mersh's. And he has even been stealing content from Nightwave for them. I was never, ever, EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR gonna...
James made me do this.
We met a guy named Plague Doctor Zakk from Cog's discord server. He's a perfect, hand-flapping, mega-autistic mess. He has the traits of every classic Goon rolled into one. The voice of Santa Cruz Joker, the body of Robert Robinson, the stolen valor of Michael Wright, the hobbies of Ruphio Pheoni...
- Tags:
- Plague Doctor Zakk
- Cog
- Bonus Show
Jesse crashes Backwards Internet with Cognitive Thought while Modern Medusa is going over her Ethan Ralph delivery inspired by Pod Awful. Also she has some sort of strange autistic manservant who got excited and won't shut up. PLUS: A sneak peek at a BRAND NEW, TOP SECRET GOON!GET THE FULL PLAGUE...
DICK MASTERSON from The Dick Show has been exposed to be a furry named Juju the Cow, and thanks to Pod Awful the whole internet is talking about it. Cameron Clarke has released even more embarrassing Daxileaks, including a bizarre video of Dick watching himself kiss his Simp Mistress Jamie Lynn H...
- Tags:
- Dick Masterson
- Primo
- Cog