Mersh's car got repo'd and now WALMART is keeping it from him somehow. Mersh fantasizes about a fake Tinder date, and even in his dreams the Reddit is running everything. PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S
Tag: Walmart
A deformed woman, social justice warrior, and cannabis advocate, Katie Donahue, has apparently made it her mission to ruin Pod Awful's amazing Walmart Santa Cruz prank, and has now resorted to trying to doxx Jesse for intimidation. Everyone hates this woman: Internet trolls, Cannaman's friend Dee...
- Tags:
- Primo
- Katie Donahue
- Walmart
- Cannaman
I created Walmart New York City to protect people from the online job lynch mob of dumb women social justice warriors with nothing better to do. Unfortunately, Facebook decided to shut our store down, so I've opened a new one in Santa Cruz, in honor of the Santa Cruz Joker. Once again, in less th...
HAPPY INTERNATIONAL #PRONOUNS DAY! My pronouns are dumb/bitch. Speaking of, some dumb bitch on Twitter lost her goddamn mind (is that ableist to say?) and thought she could force others to use terms she made up to combat ableist language. Her name? Kimberley Jane Erin. The term she had a problem ...
Dumb bored SJW women with literally nothing better to do have decided to make their hobby getting people fired from their jobs for jokes. Well I've had enough of cancel culture, and I'm doing something about it. A girl named Natasha made an offensive joke on Facebook, and a gaggle of clucking blu...
- Tags:
- Walmart
- Prank Calls
- Cancel Culture
Inexplicably, people LOVE Walmart. I always thought you just went there because it was cheap and close by, but no. People post about it and like it on social media. They are brand loyal. There are guys with cerebral palsy who love WORKING there, and are mad they are getting rid of greeter jobs. T...
- Tags:
- Walmart