Katie Donahue Joins The Doxxside - POD AWFUL PODCAST I17
Playlist: Season Infinity

A deformed woman, social justice warrior, and cannabis advocate, Katie Donahue, has apparently made it her mission to ruin Pod Awful's amazing Walmart Santa Cruz prank, and has now resorted to trying to doxx Jesse for intimidation. Everyone hates this woman: Internet trolls, Cannaman's friend Dee Didders, and, obviously, God. Katie needs a little taste of her own medicine (not weed, it clearly isn't working). Meanwhile, Jesse has been receiving a TON of bizarre Walmart calls, including some DUMB B!TCH trying to get people fired, a confused Canadian man trying to order a TV, and the most fascinating white trash woman you might ever hear. Oh, also, WEED CAUSES CANCER.
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- Tags:
- Primo
- Katie Donahue
- Walmart
- Cannaman