ETHAN RALPH CALLS IN LIVE! After all I did to try to help Ethan, he had the nerve to get mad at me. And Mad at the Internet. Speaking of which, the many people are talking about my call with Ralph,...


After a rollercoaster ride of a weekend, Ethan Ralph has been killing it, doing a heel-turn on his friends, and a face-turn on his foes. But people are once again accusing Ralph of being drunk or o...

iPad Baby Boomers - PODAWFUL PIZZA PARTY 2

Welcome to the digital toilet babysitter for toddlers and the elderly. Who watches this crap? It's your grampa. A three headed AI African singing sensation gives a speech that will blow your minds....


Ethan Ralph, Than Van Sciver, Ethan Klein

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Ethan Van Sciver's COPE TOUR has begun. He spent an entire hour on Dick Masterson's show talking about THROAT GOAT, but somehow I never got a mention. Dick Masterson and Vito talk about the Eric July episode... but Vito can't remember watching PODAWFUL. Kinda WEIRD, huh? Aaron Imholte from Steel ...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

AARON IMHOLTE IS HERE! A year ago I caught Steel Toe Morning Show ripping off one of my Goons from me. None other than Mr. Burgers. I couldn't believe my eyes. But now something sinister has started happening, something IMPOSSIBLE, and it's leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I believe Mr. Burgers h...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

In this episode, we dive deep into the intriguing intersections of technology and culture! Join us as we explore the fascinating world of Mersh, the impact of hurricanes on our digital lives, and the role of AI in shaping our future. We’ll discuss insights from Dr. Egon Cholakian, analyze perspe...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

The news is reporting that Gen Z and Gen Alpha aren't taking 9/11 seriously anymore. They make constant, ironic jokes and memes about that terrible day. How do you make iPad babies NEVER FORGET a day they could never remember to begin with? 5 years ago I predicted this would happen and shelved th...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Mersh has gone TOTALLY BALD! Aaron Imholte from Steel Toe Morning Show has been arrested, and was on THE NEWS! The Comedy Shaman has entered an uneasy alliance with PODAWFUL after issuing DEATH THREATS to Jesse on Salvo Pancake's stream. We explore Mersh's accidental haircut, speak to a reporter ...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Happy Daddy's Day! And the Father Of The Year Award goes to... literally anyone other than Nick Rekieta. I would rather my dad was a deadbeat than in my life and as LAWtistic as Nick. Nick is turning into one of the Earth's Jokers, replacing his alcoholism with an addiction to... I guess poisonin...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

One little appearance from PODAWFUL on Steel Toe Morning Show set off a chain reaction of events that sent the Mersh Effect into a spiral, unspooled Aaron Imholte's life, exposed Nick Rekieta as a swinger and criminal, breathed a fresh 15 minutes into Alex Stein's career, flared up Dick Masterson...

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