TAZE WARS: The Scamdalorian w/ Ja Crispy And Renin - POD AWFUL PODCAST DF45
Jarrette and Renin are a legendary Dynamic Duo. They are best friends, autistic heroes, and cigarette reviewers. Jarrette is also the world's greatest dirty rapper (known as Ja Crispy), and a world class metal singer. Renin is a police officer, hacker, spyninja, fire alarm enthusiast... and BOUNTY HUNTER. Oh, also he's a Brony. Together they are great Youtubers, and in a scheme to get more subs, Renin has agreed to taser himself in an epic stunt. Should be simple enough for a bounty hunter to pull off, but when we got him over 100 new subscribers, Renin tried to pull a fast one on us. HE TASER SCAMMED US. Now Ja Crispy is teaming up with Pod Awful to bounty hunt the bounty hunter, and call him out on his CRIMES. PLUS: James Soren Stone has secretly been training to become a Mandalorian himself. Oh also, somehow Mini Manson showed up for the PREVIEW VERSION of the show. (PREVIEW VERSION: https://youtu.be/G7a9nTA8ef0)
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#JaCrispy #BountyHunter #podawful
Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S
Hell yes! Finally an episode about Renin and Jarrette.
I'm half way through the show and it is a classic for the ages
This episode was fucking hilarious
Without a doubt they are in my top 5 favorite cigarette reviewers. And top 3 spy ninja enthusiast.
Great episode, Jarrette rocks!
This is good