SEASON X! MONICA HAMBURG and TOM RICARDO are here! Ahmed Mohamed, the infamous Muslim "Clock Boy" is a goddamn fraud, and Jesse is out to prove it with the help of Dr. Thomas Talbot. Later in the show, Blake Hogue updates, #CumTitsGate updates, and more!
Tag: Special Guest
TRISTAN STARCHILD AND DARK GABLE are here! Jesse tricked terrible white rapper Tristan into thinking he was being interviewed on the real radio by JCru on Hot 97. What follows is a heart pounding, laugh a minute in depth interview of the man most bullied by Pod Awful!
FRAN CAPO is here! Fran is the GUINNESS WORLD RECORD HOLDER for fastest talking woman alive! Things start off well, but when we open the phonelines it starts to go down hill. We are joined by Fran's son, Spencer, who is making some sort of sex app, we get prank called by racists, and we accident...
BRANDON GILLESPIE and ALEX FOSSELLA are here! Brandon responded to an ad on Craigslist for a job as a radio co-host, and he is being pitted against Alex for the gig. An INSANE prank call happens that makes Brandon's friends HATE HIM.