podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Shalyn's new home/ A Native American gets rid of the bad juju/ Shalyn and Gregory Von Twinkle's insane relationship/ The decimated men in Shalyn's wake/ Stoody and Kaylee make Corey feel weird/ Shalyn accused GVT of stalking/ Santa Cruz Joker's movie trailer/ BFart's new cupholder/ Mr. Burgers th...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Bob Hickman AKA God Entered My Body Like A Body Same Size is selling his insane Bobmobiles, and I want to buy them. A new Chills Top 4 list. Spooky Charles has been spooked off of the internet. Ted Van Son's LGBTParanormal Investigation continues, this time on Ghost Nation, where...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Mike David from Redbar Radio received a DISTURBING email that was mostly about me, Jesse, the Greatest Guy. But it was NOT KIND. In fact it was a bit THREATENING. I've received tons of death threats from the likes of Bob Hickman, Santa Cruz Joker, Mr. Burgers, and more, but this one is particular...

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