One little appearance from PODAWFUL on Steel Toe Morning Show set off a chain reaction of events that sent the Mersh Effect into a spiral, unspooled Aaron Imholte's life, exposed Nick Rekieta as a swinger and criminal, breathed a fresh 15 minutes into Alex Stein's career, flared up Dick Masterson...
Ethan Ralph can't stop reading chat while interviewing Aaron on Steel Toe about the Nick Rekieta situation. He's got some choice words for Jesse, who shows up later to un-boring the show and bring Aaron the gift of slaw.
NICK REKIETA, LADY (ugh) RACKETS, AND APRIL IMHOLTE HAVE BEEN ARRESTED!!! Podawful was the first show to EVER cover Nick Rekieta all the way back in 2016 when he was still just a Dick Masterson fanboy. Their shared history has been a rollercoaster ride ever since, involving Jesse leaking Nick's b...
NO COPYRIGHTS INTENDED: LOWRES AND HANS ARE HERE! Clint Eastwood has the strangest Twitter account I've ever seen. Every photo posted is just his haggard old face looking lost, and absolutely obliterated with bizarre watermarks. I...
- Tags:
- lowres
Aaron from Steel Toe Morning Show had Jesse P-S on again, but this time to BASH Mersh! THE TURN THE TURN THE TURN THE TURN THE TURN. PODAWFUL will end the Dabbleverse once and for all and SOLVE WORLD COMEDY.
Don't worry. Doctor DickAssTroll referred me.
- Tags:
- Modem Warfare
- Prank Calls
Steel Toe changes his tune on DESTROYING PODAWFUL after Mersh makes his cohost cry.
THE MERSH EFFECT VS. THE BIRTH DEFECT! STEEL TOE VS. STEAL CATS! THE CRIPPLE VS THE CAT LADY! Mersh is big mad after Jesse appeared on Steel Toe Morning Show, and now the Queen must put Aaron through a loyalty trial. Mersh superchatted Steel Toe making fun of Aaron's crip-co-host, Wheelchair John...
Aaron Imholte from Steel Toe Morning Show invites Jesse P-S on to celebrate NO MORE APRIL!
Nightwave Radio isn't paying the bills anymore for Mersh. The Rumble bots just aren't big enough numbers for him anymore. Maybe the views will go up if he snatches enough cats from the Circle K and forces THEM to watch. Over on The Bad Luck Boys channel, Jesse has managed to Max Headroom his way ...
- Tags:
- Mersh
- Redbar
- Ethan Ralph
- Parody Song
- 1185
The Mir Musk podcast infamously interviewed Mersh in a drunken fugue state that still somehow made Mersh look like the bad one, and now they are interviewing me, Jesse, the Greatest Guy. Oh and also some other guy who was molested.
Youtube banned the PODAWFUL channel for promoting paywalled content. You know, the thing that millions of users do every single day on the platform. Watch me slowly melt down in a Kafka-esque hellscape of Indian robot people trying to figure out what words mean.
- Tags:
- Bonus Show
Mini Manson gives a bizarre, otherworldly concert for the fans. Look, I'm not going to mince words here. Mini Manson gets completely naked and stuffs groceries up his dead-hole. It's a Dope Show, but I get the news during it that I've once again lost my Youtube channel.
- Tags:
- Primo
- H2BH The Show
- Mini Manson
While trawling and trolling Kick, we found a guy named Bradley and his Salacious Crumb, Boss Baby. Bradley was having a very chill night until Scott and Stella showed up (along with all the rest of the PODWFUL CULT) to explain their FinDom relationship, and give a live example. Brad's mind slowly...
- Tags:
- April Fools
- Bonus Show
- Pornbomb
There will now be multiple backups on Youtube for when channels go down in the future.I haven't yet decided which one is the "main" so be a BIGSUB MONEYMOVER™ and hit subscribe to ALL of these. We need 1k subbos righchyeah real quick.SUB: ht...
- Tags:
- Blog Awful
Sven Stoffels is a talented animator, comic book artist, and streamer. I don't know him from any other thing. He is also my best friend. Sven will be drawing famous black figures from history in honor of Black History Month including Ethan Ralph, Mike David from Redbar, Tom Gulley, and Ruphio Phe...
Salvopancakes was fired by Keemstar, dumped by Redbar, and ex-communicated by Ethan Ralph, so now he's here. After losing Salvo's Spelling Bee (even though he was given a disabled child's rules), Ethan Ralph challenged Salvo to get more viewers as guest host of Podawful than Ethan did with a bet ...
A Mexican took over my job and did it worse. Shocker. Ethan Ralph nearly ruins his big chance guest hosting PODAWFUL until Mini Manson shows up and saves the show. I apologize personally for how bad this episode is. I told Ethan he could do anything he wanted and he chose to force the audience in...
Rich from ReviewTechUSA interviews Pantsu, Ethan Ralph's ex-wife. Things soon go off the rails when the infamous Ricky Money calls in and Rich has his own "Linus Tech Tips" moment. PODAWFUL MADE ME DO IT.
Mr. Burgers, covered in puke, wanders his hoarder hole completely nude on livestream. Mersh starts writing fantasies about the time he met up with Jesse. Hey man, how you doin'?
- Tags:
- Mersh
- Mr. Burgers
- Pod Awfter Show