podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

I took over The Conspiracy Castle with Alex Stein. I didn't really want to talk this much Mersh, but this Alex guy LOVES trolling Mersh. This made the Queen so angry that he has been playing Alex's videos on Nightwave now for WEEKS trying to get on his good side again, and crying to Alex that I m...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Jesse from Pod Awful somehow ended up on the SImpcast with Flamenco immediately after Ethan Ralph metled down on Chrissie Mayr. Finally, the challenge is made public. JESSE WILL WRESTLE EVERY E-THOT. "Ethan Ralph FIGHTS Chrissie? Beef with Rekieta & Lauren Southern! Brittany Venti, Pod Awful...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

The Internet's Flamenco has been potentially outed as a PARANORMAL man by Ethan Ralph... or has he? I dunno. As far as I'm concerned, everyone online is part of the P community until proven otherwise. But that is what I am setting out to do. I have challenged FlamencoTV to take THE PEE PEE TEST™ ...

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