Grinch guys are a holiday form of The Earth's Jokers. I promise you within 5 years there will be dudes doing Jim Carrey Grinch impressions the way they did Heath Ledger. "I'm da Grinchy, baby!" Everything is now a purposeful inversion of beauty and purpose. The entire Grinch fad push reveals itse...
Tag: Earth's Jokers
Happy Daddy's Day! And the Father Of The Year Award goes to... literally anyone other than Nick Rekieta. I would rather my dad was a deadbeat than in my life and as LAWtistic as Nick. Nick is turning into one of the Earth's Jokers, replacing his alcoholism with an addiction to... I guess poisonin...
Ryan Kelley, the guy who got my Youtube terminated again, has a wife named Fiona McCrossin. And Fiona has some interesting hobbies. When she's not busy shooting at teens on the highway, she's clowning around on Facebook. Literally. All of my enemies are the Earth's Jokers. PLUS: My conversations ...
It's the 7 Year SHOnniversary! Soup Porter has been inhabited by the very spirit of the Earth's Jokers. An evil, demonic spirit that causes him to do terrible things, and I don't just mean the timebomb inside his keister. What separates Soup from the other Jokers though is he has his own true Har...
The Earth's Jokers are growing in numbers by the day. PPP, Tom Gulley, Mersh, even KEFFALS are now joining their ranks. It's time to look at PATIENT ZERO, Harlan Dale Absher AKA The Santa Cruz Joker, and figure out the symptoms to the terrible disease known as CLOWN SYNDROME? What drives a person...
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! Disappointing dads everywhere are kids buying Heath Ledger Halloween costumes, and posting themselves doing terrible impressions of their disturbed hero online. But where do the Earth's Jokers come from? Well after a bit of research the answer came to me, and it was obvious al...
Gazi Kodzo, the galavanting, lispy Earth's Joker leader of Black Hammer Org, has been dealt his most embarrassing moment online yet. The police have exposed his ethno-state, Hammer City, as a complete fraud, and Black Hammer has been kicked off of the Colorado mountain they have been squatting! B...
Gazi Kodzo, AKA "BLACK HITLER," has started an amazing organization for colonized people called BLACK HAMMER, in order to solve racism. They are PRO-segregation, ANTI-Antifa, and for some reason hate Anne Frank. So, pretty cool guys. Their most ambitious project to date is HAMMER CITY, a city whe...
- Tags:
- Gazi Kodzo
- Earth's Jokers
Checking out Instagram influencer ukiy0_'s music video full of Hot Topic Managers/ MCL771 is into incest and kissed his grandma/ Talking to MCL771 about his upcoming rap songs/ Singing into the toilet/ MCL's cartoon incest porn/ MCL is officially one of the Earth's Jokers
- Tags:
- Earth's Jokers
- Pod Awfter Show
Ruphileaks has ruined my sleep schedule/ TECH TALK/ Verbally destroying a poor African single mother/ Tova gives her ASLRDS, reveals she is an Earth's Joker/ Whang is a Joker and is secretly poor/ Erkwit gives his ASLRDS/ Fisher gives his ALRDS, reveals he is a brony/ Chewie looks like Cab Callow...
It turns out our #GOON Ruphio Pheonix has been one of the Internet's Jokers all along. Just to seal the deal, he is now dating a new girl who is one of Earth's Fat Harley Quinns, the technical term being a "Daddy's Lil' Monster." We explore the various categories Ruphio fits into as a Joker, incl...
Mersh becomes the sperg/ I was always making fun of them/ lol look at their fucking setup/ The Santa Cruz Joker has been a part of our lives since 2016/ Brian Alan Fortune becomes one of Earth's Jokers/ Master Studios celebrates 3 years on Youtube/ Introducing: Tostemac/ Autalian-American paisano...
I created Walmart New York City to protect people from the online job lynch mob of dumb women social justice warriors with nothing better to do. Unfortunately, Facebook decided to shut our store down, so I've opened a new one in Santa Cruz, in honor of the Santa Cruz Joker. Once again, in less th...
Jeremy Putman is known for a few things. He is known as the Winchester Joker. He is known for a meme where he is in a tattoo shop getting Joker makeup tattooed to his face. And he is known for being arrested for dressing like the Joker. Learn the real story behind the meme, what the fake news got...
I'm depressed/ Milkshakes/ Racist McDonald's/ Burger King is for poor people/ Women can't see peanuts/ George Washington Carver invents Peanut Slobber/ Charles Howell's son wants to be a trucker and made a hilarious video/ Bob Hickman gives me a shoutout/ WIKI ENTRIES: Charles Howell | Ghost Rule...