The TRANSvestigation Continues!
Playlist: Season Infinity

Twitch and Reddit exist just to turn their users trans. Twitch mollycoddles their streamers to the point that they are all diaper wearing baby-doll-huggers. The Pod Awful Cult showed up to ask one simple question, "ARE YOU TRANS?" Absolute tear-soaked chaos ensued. Complete TRANSdemonium. Meanwhile, over on reddit, a mid-wit attempted to out-troll Pod Awful by putting a photo of Jesse up on r/trans. The easiest prank of all time, and he managed to fumble the ball by telling the beautiful, brave redditors that Jesse is transitioning to... MALE. Good one, goobrain! Now Jesse has three-thousands compliments about how handsome a man he is, my dude. PLUS: Nick Rekieta somehow got away with becoming trans and nobody noticed, and a Marine does a Q&A on his own transition in the military. You're lookin' good, my man!
aw man where is the video to this? I was watching it on Podawful archives and the video is screwed up half way through and its not here either ? aw man lol