Jesse ran into someone pretty surprising a block away from his home. Also in this episode: These Jews are getting a little much, Jesse ate spoiled jerky, and Madcucks and Lawtism are true GOONS.
Tag: Friday Night Hangout Explosion
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Daddy and the kids talk pegging, dating black guys, trolling dickheads, and just straight up steal Madcucks' bonus content. Pizza Fund Only. No sharing. Don't be a dick.
Pizza Fund Only. No sharing. Don't be a dick.
I don't know what happened in this but I interviewed Robert Robinson, and Skyler got mad because I wouldn't tell her my password.
I don't know. Robert Robinson.
The Cult plays Dungeons & Dragons... The Pod Awful Way. With Dungeonmaster Caleb.
We bully some retarded Canadian kid named kalibur who ran his mouth on Twitter. PLUS: Illma Gore got punched by a MAGA guy.
Jesse got in a fight with an insane man named MARCUS and turned him into his BITCH. This story has EVERYTHING: Facebook fights, reddit, ex-girlfriends, money, and the phrase "NIGGA MEAT."
Daddy tries to get a handle on the kids and tell them about the new Youtube Hater named Crazyloof. He also gives some new info on new doofus "Train Genitals," including that he is a criminal! The show ends with calls to #CUMTITSGATE Steph's parents! Plus visits from a lot of goons on the way. YEARP!
JET FUEL CAN'T MELT DANK MEMES - Jesse continues his search for the TRUTH™ behind the False Flag Operation of September 11th. He even offers up a cash reward for anyone who can prove the "official story" is the way it happened. Plus some Confederate Flag defending.